Week Five: Blankets by Craig Thompson [Additional Response]

This week’s assignment was to read Craig Thompson’s graphic novel, Blankets. Off the bat I found this novel to be very similar to my artistic style and what kind of art I enjoy reading. Through his writing style and his illustrations, I can really feel Thompson’s emotions and trials and tribulations as the he makes the reader embark on with this character. Like discussed in class, his past emotions and life events really shine through in this novel as we get glimpse into his life. The novel also does a good job of heightening reality and making the world it takes place familiar yet fantastical that I greatly appreciated. In terms of themes, Blankets addresses the reality of a first love, a discovery of religion. With such broad and big topics, Thompson is able to capture these moments into panels that are enjoyable to read and look at for hours – while telling a compelling story. The main character, Craig is a Strict Catholic, due to his upbringing and serves as t...